Articles by categories
blog (2)
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career (3)
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dandytoon (34)

Intern interviews be like

Hey there

I will be back


In the ZONE

Working with gen AI

Did you say AI?

Working in AI

Migrate to Golang


On Call

zsh gd

Scroll scroll

Tech Debt

Working on open source be like

Types of Code Reviewers (2)

Types of Code Reviewers (1)

Merge Steal

Merge Conflicts (2)

Merge Conflicts (1)

Scope creep be like

It's too early until it's too late

Real Life vs LinkedIn

Me want latest framework in 5 min

Well, that was easy

Special forces

Hello HR

Windows vs Linux vs Mac Users

Tech Interviews vs The Actual Job

Why do you want to work here?

Ads these days

Programmers then and now

Dull Meetings

Group Conference Video Call
debugging (6)
gaming (1)
hackathon (1)
interview stories (14)

Interview with Bloomberg - The Virtual "On-Site" Interviews

Interview with Bloomberg - The Phone Interview

Interview with Bloomberg - Getting the Interview

Interview with Amazon - Team Matching

Interview with Amazon - The Virtual "On-Site" Interviews

Interview with Amazon - On-Site Interview Prep

Interview with Amazon - The Online Assessment

Interview with Amazon - Getting the interview

Riot Coding Challenge - My Mistake

Interview with Google - The On-Site Interview

Interview with Google - On-Site Interview Prep

Interview with Google - The Phone Interview

Interview with Google - Online Assessment & Phone Interview Prep

Interview with Google - Online Assessment Prep
interview tips (1)
javascript (20)

How to write a bfs without Array.shift() in Javascript

Javascript Data Structure Cheat Sheet

Node 14.8 New Feature - Top Level Await

Javascript is weird

Javascript - Map vs Object - when to use which?

Node JS Template for Google Code Jam and Kick Start

Double Tilde ~~ and Double Apostrophe !! - SUPER USEFUL to know

If you are going to use Javascript for the coding interview, be prepared for heaps

Don't make this mistake when creating 2D arrays in Javascript

Be careful when copying objects in Javascript

Answering this question right can affect your salary tremendously - Javascript closure

Here is a really useful Javascript operator that you can use in coding interviews

Here is a Javascript Quiz - var vs let vs const

The basic Javascript interview question

Is it a string? Really? (A must-know for a Javascript developer)

Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled

Guilt-free commits

Do you even stub bro?

Anti-Patterns in Javascript Promises

The Ultimate Javscript Promises Ramp-Up
job search (5)
leetcode (2)
lifestyle (3)
money (12)

Relative Strength Index

2020 September Social Commerce Updates

2020 June July Investment Report

2020 May Trading Report

2020 April Trading Report

You are given $100,000 to invest in either real estate or stocks. Pick one.

Are you with an online bank yet?

This one asset will make you millions

Is investing during a recession a good idea?

Quick update on current bank promotions

How I missed out on $14,000 during my undergrad