Dan D Kim

Let's share stories

Looking for a privacy policy generator? Shopify has a free one, and it's the best.

2020-08-31 Dan D. Kimblog

When I first started my blog, I had like, 1-2 visitors per week. During those days, having a privacy policy generator was the farthest thing from my mind.

But now? I’m getting at least a couple hundred visitors every week, and it’s growing consistently too. I receive an email from a reader about something I wrote every now and then.

I started to grow a little apprehensive. I have visitors around the world. Not that there’s a lot, but that’s not the point. Having a privacy policy is akin to having health insurance.

So, I looked around. I really tried to find something that is

  • free
  • customizable for GDPR, 3rd party platforms (Google Analytics)

Most of the ones I found are either:

  • free but they suck
  • good but you have to pay up.

That is, until I came across Shopify’s FREE privacy policy generator.

Shopify Privacy Policy Generator

Screenshot of Shopify's privacy policy generator

Shopify's privacy policy generator is the best free one out there, and I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a privacy policy generator.

It’s really straightforward to use. Don’t let the “Start free trial” fool you - you don’t need to start it. You don’t need to pay anything. You don’t need to enter your credit card.

Just scroll down below, check the box to skip the trial, and move forward!

Directions for using Shopify's privacy policy generator. Check the box to skip the free trial


It’s pretty obvious at this point, but I used Shopify for my privacy policy. Just showing that I walk the talk ;)

That’s all. Happy hustling!