Dan D Kim

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How to use Chrome DevTools to capture a screenshot

2020-05-25 Dan D. Kimdebugging

There is a pretty neat feature in Chrome DevTools.

You can capture screenshots of your browser in these different ways:

  • drag-and-select a region
  • capture the entire window
  • capture scrollable windows!

Here’s how:

  1. Open DevTools (F12 on Windows or Command-Shift-I on a Mac)
  2. Open the Command Menu (Ctrl-Shift-P on Windows or Command-Shift-P on a Mac)
  3. Type in screenshot and you will see the options appear

Area Screenshot

Area screenshot using Chrome DevTools


Area screenshot using Chrome DevTools

Node Screenshot

Select a node from the Elements page and run Capture node screenshot.

Here I took a screenshot of a specific card in my Most Popular page.

Node screenshot using Chrome DevTools


Node screenshot using Chrome DevTools

Normal Screenshot

Here is a normal screenshot.

Normal screenshot using Chrome DevTools

Full Size Screenshot

Here is what I think is really neat - a screenshot of the entire scrollable window.

Full size screenshot using Chrome DevTools

Hope you learned something! Happy developing!